Cooking Confidence Scale

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Not all recipes are possible for all cooks. It takes time to be confident in the kitchen, and everybody starts out knowing nothing.

The scale below is loosely-based on a Tumblr poll on the same subject, and is intended to help people identify what kind of cooking they are comfortable with so that they can choose Recipes that will suit their skill level.

This is not meant as a judgement! All of us started from zero! If you are at skill level zero that is not a problem as long as you are able to eat a sufficient amount of food. If you are having trouble feeding yourself at any skill level, here are tips on How to improve as a Cook.

The point of the scale is for you to find where you are comfortable and assess whether a recipe is right for you. It is much better to be safe than sorry. If you're at a low 3 do not attempt to make a high 5 recipe when you're low on time and meeting your in-laws; if something is beyond your skills you might injure yourself or end up in a risky situation that you're not prepared to handle. It is more important that you be safe than anything else!

The Scale

Level Zero

I do not know how to cook anything; I am uncertain about the rules for using microwaves or how to handle kitchen appliances. I do not know how to heat water and someone else prepares my food.


  • None

Most Complex Meal I could easily Prepare

  • None

Level One

I can heat water in an electric kettle or microwave and I can combine pre-prepared ingredients. I am able to make cold sandwiches and may be comfortable making instant oatmeal, ReadyMac, or Cup-of-Noodles with hot water. I can heat food in the microwave, make toast, spread food with a butter knife.


  • Stirring with a dining spoon
  • Using a can opener
  • Turning on simple appliances
  • Spreading with a butter knife
  • Using a knife and fork to cut food into bite-sized pieces
  • Opening and re-sealing packages (i.e., lunch meat; a jam jar)
  • Use of simple appliances (microwave, kettle)

Most Complex Meal I could easily Prepare

  • Simple sandwich on toast with canned soup on the side

Level Two

I can heat water on the stove, and set the oven to heat pre-made foods like canned biscuits or slice and bake cookies. I can use sharp knives well enough to cut up carrots or apples, but I would struggle with cutting a pineapple or finely dicing anything. I can make pasta on the stove and heat pre-made sauce, I can make boxed mac and cheese, hard boil eggs, bake potatoes, and may be able to cook a grilled cheese sandwich. I can bake a cake from a mix but it takes effort.


  • Boiling liquids
  • Coarse chopping
  • Preparation of basic fruits and vegetables
  • Combining pre-made food or ingredients
  • Following preparation instructions on packages
  • Whisking Batter
  • Use of some small kitchen appliances (hand mixer, immersion blender, toaster oven, slow cooker)
  • Basics of oven use

Most Complex Meal I could easily Prepare

  • Pasta with sauce from a jar and frozen meatballs, microwave-steamed frozen vegetables, and very simple garlic bread.

Level Three

I am fairly comfortable in the kitchen. There are a few simple dishes I know how to cook well. I would be comfortable following a recipe to make cookies from scratch or pan-frying a steak. I can do multiple simple tasks in the kitchen at one time, like chopping vegetables while water comes to a boil. I know how to handle and cook prepared raw meats like trimmed pork chops, boneless chicken breasts, and ground beef. I can clean and trim most vegetables, pan-fry foods, and cook on a stove with techniques more complicated than heating liquids. I know how to make soup from scratch, make some sauces, and how to use some spices but I may struggle with achieving depth of flavor if I am not working from a recipe.


  • Pan-frying
  • Reducing liquids on the stove
  • Simple baking and roasting
  • Use of more complex kitchen appliances (air fryer, stand mixer, instant pot, food processor)
  • Participation in grocery shopping (possibly being the only grocery buyer in my home)
  • Grilling
  • Kneading dough for quickbreads
  • Fine dicing
  • Whisking whipped cream

Most Complex Meal I could easily Prepare

  • Pan-fried steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli, a side salad, and a simple dessert.

Level Four

I am comfortable in the kitchen and cook frequently. I have a rotation of favorite recipes and have made up a few of my own. I am able to successfully experiment while cooking and replicate the results later. I can bake most things but might struggle with more complex or delicate pastries (souffles, croissants). I follow recipes when baking but may not use cookbooks or recipe blogs for much else. I am confident while cooking nearly any kind of meat and I know how to handle most fruits and vegetables. I can cook and serve more people than just my household and may be asked to host family gatherings as a result. I can almost always look at the ingredients in my kitchen and come up with an idea for a meal, even if it's something I've never attempted before. There is very little that I find intimidating when cooking. I am capable of making complex, flavorful dishes with very few missteps.


  • Sauteeing
  • Filleting
  • Mincing
  • Making and handling yeast doughs
  • Whisking a meringue
  • Multi-step baking (pies, meringues, madeleines)
  • Broiling
  • De-Boning meats

Most Complex Meal I could Easily Prepare Glazed pork loin, grilled lemon pepper asparagus, a side salad with homemade vinaigrette, garlic mashed potatoes, and mousse with fresh berries.

Level Five

I cook daily or nearly every day. I am not intimidated by any task in the kitchen and I regularly cook complex meals. I do not often use recipes but I do frequently write them. I am a skilled baker and may use unusual techniques (sous vide, smoking) to prepare meat. I make my own marinades and dressings, I might bake bread regularly and may grow some of my own food (seasonal vegetables, herbs). I am comfortable cooking outside of my own food culture and using seasonings more common to other cultures. I can work with novel ingredients and rare fruits or vegetables. I have signature dishes that my family and friends request. I may be familiar with canning, fermenting, and foraging. I am likely to be asked to host food-related events for my friends and family


  • Laminating Dough
  • Some Candy-making
  • Complex Baking (including strict humidity and temperature control)
  • Pastry-making
  • Curing meat
  • Pickling
  • Occasional butchering of portions of slaughtered and cleaned livestock
  • Cleaning and preparing fish for cooking

Most Complex Meal I could Easily Prepare

  • A roast chicken with mushroom risotto, artichokes with garlic aioli, marinated cucumber tomato salad, and a flourless chocolate cake with chocolate ganache.