Start a Timer

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Most people with ADHD are at least somewhat familiar with the concept of the Pomodoro Technique, which has users start short timers for various tasks and breaks.

Pomodoro theoretically requires some attention and planning; you're supposed to plan tasks before starting a timer and alternate between short breaks, long breaks, and work stretches.

That's too much overhead for me. So I don't worry about variations or planning, I just start an endless series of 20-minute timers and if I finish the task I'm doing before my timer ends I can spend the extra time fucking around.

This is an extremely simple way of creating extrinsic motivation, or at least a mild sense of pressure, or at the very very least something to remind me periodically that I'm supposed to be working on a task.


  • Set a timer for any increment of time that you think will work for you (I use a 20-minute timer)
  • Start a task from your [To-Do List] or start working on the project you're focused on (you may want to compile a list of steps for this project to act as a To-Do list).
  • Work on the task until the timer or the task finishes. If the timer ends but the task isn't done, start the timer over and keep working. If the task ends and you have extra time, use that time to mess around and do something fun or engaging until the timer runs out (or, optionally, do some stretches or take a physical rest).
  • Once you have run out a timer, start another timer and choose another task.
  • Stop when you've worked through your To-Do List or you've lost the ability to focus, whichever comes first.
  • Take a break of a couple hours then consider starting another set of timers.

Why This Works

  • It's free artificial deadline.
  • If you get distracted while you're supposed to be doing a task, the timer will remind you to go back to the task or start a different task.
  • Starting a timer puts you into "task mode" so you won't be struggling to find an entry into tasks.
  • The timer can remind you to stop working on something if you're feeling stuck in a task.
  • Moving periodically to re-start a timer reminds you to take physical breaks so you don't end up sore from a long focus session.